JavascriptSesh demo

This is a very simple demo of the use of Javascript JSesh. It's completely alpha software now.

The sentence i-w-r:a-C1-m-p*t:pt means "Re is in the sky"

An example : i-n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n:n to show we are not afraid of tall groups.

We support only very simple Manuel de codage Basically, you can write simple groups (with parenthesis), and also // for shaded parts, [[ and ]] for lacunas, and ".." for spaces. Note that "-" are mandatory between groups. A1-pA-x:r:xr-A1-[[-..-]]-n:(x:t)*U30-A1-xAst-// has code pA-x:r:xr-[[-..-]]-n:(x:t)*U30-xAst-//


Use in a HTML Table:


Ligatures are understood, but currently require precomposed groups to be saved in the SVG picture folder: D:d-D&d t&A-Ax&x-zA&ra.

Cartouches can be rendered too: zA&ra-<-mn-xpr-ra->-anx-DA-s.

Group shading is available : p*t:pt#14.

Multiline texts : m-Htp:t*p-! m-Htp:t*p-! m-Htp:t*p-!.

Red text : $r-I10:D46-M17-N35-$b-T18-G43-A1-M17-N29:D21:Y1-G43-U28-G1-Y1-F34*Z1:V31A-F4:D36-A1

JavascriptSesh parser built using PEGJS.